We have a lot of sensitive and personal information in our life: web logins, bank accounts, car plates, documents numbers, WiFi passwords, diploma description, etc. The Smart Wallet Pro can provide fast, secure and private access to the data on your Android devices.
Just select and apply only one Master password, put the data to the storage and it will be only your data.
Smart Wallet Pro crypts your info by AES256 algorithm (USA government standard). Please be sure that you remember the selected Master password. If you forget it then you lost access to the Smart Wallet storage.
Access (decryption) to storage can be obtained by using Master password only. You can type it of (if you device has fingerprint access control) you can use your fingerprint authentication for storage access.
Records of your bank account, plate number, internet connection account, shop card, etc. are saved on card of Smart Wallet Pro. Card is item of the storage. Cards can be combined into folders and folders can be organized into more high-level folders. As result, you have hierarchical storage for easy and fast navigation.
Smart Wallet Pro HAS NO permissions for:
- internet connection;
- WiFi connection ;
- billing services;
- your contacts, sms, calls and etc.
So, unlike other apps, the Smart Wallet Pro cannot transmit your data outside of your device.
If you run the Smart Wallet Pro then you can:
- add, remove, update card records;
- specify type of records (just text, date, phone, email, web url)
- use additional device functions on each record type (call for 'phone' type, email client for 'email', open active browser for 'web', open calendar, etc)
- search cards and records by your query;
- create your own template of card with any set of records;
- use template for new card creation;
- put and pop-up 1D bar code and QR-code of your loyalty cards, technical devices and other;
- export your data to file (all records will be encrypted by your current Master password) of internal and external (for example, SD-card) storage;
- import the file on your second device for data synchronization.
- set individual settings for more security (prevent screenshots, prevent access after not using device, etc)
The app is an off-line product. Therefore, don't forget to make proper backups regularly.
The export\import functions can be used for sync your SmartWallet data between devices.
Smart Wallet Pro is simple easy-to-use fast application for your sensitive data organization in your personal Android device storage.